Jeremia Ramos Makindara (PhD) is an Associate Professor of Agribusiness in the Department of Business Management, College of Economics and Business Studies, Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), Morogoro, Tanzania. Prof. Makindara has a PhD in Agricultural Economics whereby his research work was on Sorghum Value Chain Analysis in Tanzania and was done under a sandwich program between SUA and Ohio State University (USA) under RUFORUM – HEPAD Fellowship program. Prof. Makindara holds a Master of Business Administration (MBA-Marketing) of The University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania under support of DAAD in Country Scholarship programme in Tanzania. Prof. Makindara also holds a Bachelor of Science in Food Science and Technology of SUA. Prof. Makindara has been teaching Agribusiness and Entrepreneurship Studies at SUA, and specifically Agribusiness and Entrepreneurship Development; Business Strategy and Agribusiness Supply Chain Management. Prof. Makindara has been involved in several national and international research programs such as Green Resources Innovations for Livelihood Improvement (GRILI), – in charge of business model development, Rural Urban Transformation (RUT) project, INTSORMIL-Marketing and Entrepreneurship component just to mention a few. Prof. Makindara has also been involved in other collaborative researches such as IDRC funded CIFSRF project on Integrated Crop and Goat breeding in Tanzania in charge of marketing component and DANIDA Funded Rural-Urban Complementarities for Reduction of Poverty (RUCROP) and Standards and Agro Foods Exports (SAFE) in Tanzania. Prof. Makindara has been involved in outreach programs which involve training of MATI Tutors on Agricultural Marketing Training, 2023 and training of farmers and SMEs on Farming as a Business. In terms of Consultancy, Prof. Makindara has been involved in several works some of which include finalization of ASDP II M&E Results Framework which was commissioned by the Prime Minister's Office (PMO) - ASDP II National Coordination Unit (NCU), between May and September 2020; WWF Study on, “Assessment of Community-Based Forest Resources Economies and Business Model for Communities with Village Land Forest Reserves in the Ruvuma Landscape, Tanzania”, September, 2020; Forest Development Trust (FDT) Study on Examining Public Private Partnership in Forestry Resources in Tanzania, September, 2018; Feasibility Study on Establishment of a Tomato and Chili Processing Plant in Busega District, Simiyu Region, Tanzania. Simiyu Region through ESRF/UNDP funding, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 2017, and FAO Study on, Time and Labour Savings Technologies (TLSTs) in three sub-Saharan African countries of Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 2017. Prof. Makindara research interests include agribusiness and entrepreneurship development and innovation, new products development, marketing, business sustainability, value chain analysis, food security issues, post-harvest losses, social capital, climate change and gender studies.

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