Mr. Praygod Eliasifiwe Kweka is a prominent and magnet media personnel who has worked in the media and entertainment for 13yrs in different media houses in Tanzania. He worked in content production and design, as a radio and TV host, content manager, and producer. He once worked as a Director of marketing, production, and creativity of Times FM, Clouds FM presenter of Clubkumi and producer of the top twenty radio show, and as a TV-E content manager.

He is the designer and developer of ideas and works with various companies to design ideas and sell them to various media channels, he works with government institutions, in designing government concerts through the Ministry Of Culture, Arts, and Sports.

Kweka is the founder of the platform for young entrepreneurs, MZALENDO JASIRI, with the slogan “ youth start at home” where the official guest was the Prime Minister of the United Republic of Tanzania, Majaaliwa Kassim Majaaliwa during its inauguration.

Executive - Content Acquisition